Thursday 26th of April 2018 | Posted In: Comply, Compliance, Renewable energy

New RHI Regulations progress through the parliamentary process

On Monday the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) regulation changes, which we have been following in avid interest, were approved by the House of Commons committee. The next stage is now to pass through the House of Lords committee. This morning we have been told that this debate is scheduled for Wednesday 09 May.

The final stages of passing the regulations into law involve Secretary of State sign off which will happen after this debate (subject to approval by the House of Lords of course). The Renewable Energy Association have been told by BEIS:

"…..that they will confirm the detailed timing in due course to ensure that RHI stakeholders have sufficient notice and that Ofgem is fully ready to press ‘go’ on a significant IT change to accommodate all the associated scheme changes."

Watch this space!