Electricity pylons in the countryside
Thursday 27th of May 2021 | Posted In: Contracts, Renewable energy

Be committed to 100% renewable energy

NFU Energy are committed to providing resources and expert guidance on renewable energy for NFU members and businesses alike and are helping to reach the NFU’s target of reaching Net Zero by 2040.

Whilst there are many challenges to reaching Net Zero by 2040, as energy consultants, we firmly believe the pathway to net zero starts with reducing energy requirements and emissions. Energy efficiency is the most cost-effective way of reducing use and saving money, but where do you start?


  • The best way to reduce energy costs is to make sure you are using just enough at the right times – or not using it all when you don’t actually need it.


  • How energy efficient are your buildings, sheds, stores and greenhouses? Are they well-built and maintained?


  • If you care for equipment that uses or consumes energy and keep it in optimum operating condition, it will reward you by running as efficiently as it can.


  • Take regular meter readings and monitor how much energy you are using and when and where you are using it.

Our audits highlight every way your business could be more energy efficient from equipment and processes, like heating, cooling and lighting, to how well buildings, stores and specialist structures, like greenhouses, are built, maintained and used.

We are now also pleased to announce that we are offering 100% renewable energy utility contracts to further support the NFU’s NetZero goal.

NFU Energy have 100% renewable prices for all business electricity supplies regardless of size with renewable buying group prices now available for NFU members. If you need to provide evidence of renewable energy sources to the companies you supply, we can source certificates of origin for you.

Renewable energy is better for the environment, conserving the nations natural resources and reducing pollution making it better for our overall health. Support British renewable generation around the country by making the change to 100% renewable energy.

There are numerous methods of producing renewable energy that could either be sold back to the grid or used for your own business. This includes methods such as wind, solar, AD plants etc. We have produced renewables guides which offer a list of useful information to consider before looking into renewable energy generation and ways in which NFU Energy can assist you.

Getting to Net Zero will not happen overnight for anybody, but small steps and improvements will add up to big changes and the way energy is used will have a significant role to play over the next 20 years. 

If you would like more information or would like to make the switch to 100% renewable energy, please give the NFU Energy team a call on 024 7669 8885.