Top Tips for Energy Efficiency this Winter
Thursday 30th of November 2023 | Posted In: News and Views

Top Tips for Energy Efficiency this Winter

As winter sets in and the chill begins to creep across the farm, there's no better time to tighten the reins on energy consumption. The bitter cold and shorter days often mean increased energy usage, but with a strategic approach, you can cut costs and make your farm operations more sustainable. Let's dive into some top tips to keep your energy bills in check during the winter months.

1. Shop Smart, Save Smart:

Start your energy-saving journey by reviewing your energy supplier. If you've been sticking with the same provider for years, it's time to explore new options. If you’re an NFU member, utilise NFU Energy Buying Groups to secure lower prices, reducing both your costs and administrative burden.

2. Control is Key:

Efficient energy use begins with smart control. Invest in web-based systems that allow you to monitor and manage operations remotely. NFU Energy can assist in implementing these systems, ensuring you're using energy precisely when and where it's needed. Check and optimise settings for heating, ventilation, and water heaters to avoid unnecessary expenses.

3. Don't Let It Slip Away:

Plug the leaks in your energy consumption by focusing on insulation and preventing heat loss. Conduct a thorough check of insulation levels, seal any drafts, and invest in efficient lagging for pipework and tanks. Consider door curtains to maintain seals and prevent doors from being left open accidentally. Thermal imaging can be a game-changer to pinpoint hidden leaks and inefficiencies.

4. Operate at Peak Efficiency:

Your equipment plays a pivotal role in energy consumption. Regularly clean fans and air ducts, as dirt buildup can decrease efficiency significantly. Ensure unobstructed airflow in ducts, as even minor obstructions can lead to a 20% efficiency drop. Assess the need for equipment upgrades — modern boilers, refrigeration, and LED lighting can bring substantial energy savings.

5. Measure, Monitor, and Master:

Knowledge is power. Regularly monitor energy usage by taking meter readings, or better yet, use energy measurement equipment to build up a clear energy profile of your business. Understand when and where energy is being used to identify patterns and potential areas for improvement. Look out for unusual consumption peaks that could signal inefficiencies or malfunctioning equipment.

By incorporating these tips into your winter energy strategy, you'll not only reduce costs but also enhance sustainability and contribute to your farm’s journey towards Net Zero. Embrace the power of efficiency and let your farm thrive even in the coldest of seasons.

If you’d like to find out more about how to make your farm more energy efficient, contact the NFU Energy team today on [email protected] or give us a call on 024 7669 6512.