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Thursday 10th of June 2021 | Posted In: Energy saving, Use and Manage

Time to consider your ESOS Energy Audit

A piece of legislation the Government has introduced to help the UK to reach this target is the Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS). Compliance with ESOS is a mandatory requirement for companies with:

  • At least 250 employees
  • or a turnover of €50m and a balance sheet of €36m

Every 4 years qualifying companies must totalise their energy usage and submit to an efficiency audit of buildings, processes and transport, which must be overseen by a qualified Lead Assessor.

The aim of ESOS is to compel company directors to consider their energy footprint – something which for many organisations is not seen as a priority issue, other than as an unavoidable cost that may be managed by seeking a lower tariff. Compliance with ESOS is mandatory for qualifying larger organisations, and requires the collation of energy consumption data and the auditing of end uses by a qualified Lead Assessor.

Although the deadline has now passed, many organisations are yet to comply, and may therefore expect one of a range of fines to be levied against them. Everyone else can relax until ESOS Phase 3 but must keep their Phase 2 Evidence Pack carefully in case they are chosen for audit – NFU Energy is aware that audits from 2015’s Phase 1 were still being conducted in 2019.

At NFU Energy, we can perform both ESOS & SECR, and provide a Lead Assessor for your audits. While Phase 3 of ESOS is still two years away, it is still possible to arrange your energy audit and find out how much your organisation could save.

Find out how we can help you with all your energy needs by giving the team a call on 024 7669 6512.