Monday 8th of August 2016 | Posted In: Matrix

How to terminate your energy contract successfully

If you have signed a contract or accepted a verbal agreement with an energy supplier, you should be aware of your obligation under their terms and conditions to give the correct notice to leave when your contract expires.

Some suppliers used to take advantage of the failure to give notice and lock you in for a further year at high default rates, but from 1st April 2014 the ‘big six’ energy suppliers have introduced a ‘no rollover’ policy. This means that if you forget to give notice they will still put you on a high ‘out of contract rate’, but you can leave by giving 30 days’ notice.

The notice period required by different energy suppliers for ending your contract varies. One of the leading suppliers requires written notice NOT LESS THAN 90 daysprior to the contract end date; others require either 60 days or 28 days.

Some suppliers have a set review period of only a few weeks in which you can opt out of their offered renewal rates prior to the end of your contract - which can be very inconvenient.

Here's what to do ...

Set a reminder on your calendar or in your diary to give written notice as soon as you are able to.

Send written notice by registered delivery and ask for confirmation that they have received it in writing. You can also give notice by email­or by fax if you prefer. Again, ask for confirmation of receipt.

Keep a copy of your notice to quit and the confirmation reply. If you need to chase this confirmation up, take notes of who you spoke to, on what date and at what time.

Suggested wording for a termination of an electricity or gas contract

To ...... [your current electricity / gas supplier]

Dear ......,

Please accept this letter as written notice, as per your terms and conditions, that I wish my current contract(s) for MPAN number(s) / MPRN number(s) .................. to expire on their termination date(s).

Could you please confirm receipt of this letter.

I am happy to receive renewal prices from you nearer to the end of the contract so that I can make an informed decision whether to stay with you for a further term or look for an alternative supplier.

Yours faithfully,


The MPAN number (electricity contract) is the bottom line of your supply number which should be found on your electricity bill. There will be a large letter 'S' on the left hand side of it.

Example below:

The MPRN number (gas contract) should be on your gas bill.