Tuesday 16th of February 2021 | Posted In: Renewable energy, Energy saving

Generators: can EVs help you make the most of your kWh?

From April 2021, ‘embedded generators’ – that covers most on-farm electricity generation – will no longer receive BSUoS payments for electricity exported to the grid, typically reducing export income by about 5%.

From April 2022 GDUoS will start to wither away – that’s another 10% - and we’ve already lost Triad benefit. We’re not expecting these losses to be countered by other income streams, so you could see the ‘all-in’ value of your exported electricity drop from, say, 6 p/kWh to 5 p/kWh over the next few years. Now more than ever you should be thinking about how you can make the best use of the electricity you’re generating.

The case for batteries is slowly improving, but how about electric vehicles? You may well already have electric forklifts, telehandlers are looking promising, and improvements in both range and financials mean that electric cars and vans are looking really rather appealing now. Especially if you can charge them for 5 p/kWh.

Click here for an article exploring the case for EVs, and if you’re thinking of investing, we’d be interested to know if you feel you’d benefit from any guidance. 

Find out how we can help you with all your energy needs by giving the team a call on 024 7669 6512.