Heat pumps in a shed
Friday 28th of February 2020 | Posted In: Generate, Generating energy

Large ground source heat pump tariff degression

Starting on the 01 April 2020, there will be a 10% tariff degression on all heat pumps over 100 kWth as a result of this quarterly assessment. The next quarterly forecast based on data from the 30 April 2020, will be published on the 01 July 2020 along with the next potential degression.

Ground/water source heat pumps under 100 kWth and any other technologies including, solid biomass CHP, geothermal, biomethane, and biomass have not seen a degression this quarter.

How to secure your tariff

A tariff guarantee allows applicants to the Non-Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) to secure the current tariff rate before the installation is commissioned. For a tariff guarantee to be approved, Stages 1 & 2 will have to be submitted and approved by Ofgem. Stage 1 comprises of the technical details of your installation and requires planning permission, while Stage 2 deals with your financial commitment to the project.

To secure the current tariff, a tariff guarantee will have to be submitted or your installation will have to be commissioned and a Non-Domestic RHI application will have to be submitted by 31 March 2020.

If you would like to talk about tariff guarantees give me a call to discuss your project.